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North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more

At North Star, we do all we can to provide good quality, safe and secure homes to customers. We also aim to do a lot more than this by working with people and communities to improve the quality of their lives more broadly.

This might be funding for community projects, free advice about how to reduce energy bills, working with contractors to offer apprenticeships to local people, and providing free access to advice and support for those wanting to improve their chances of getting a job.

We do this because a home is only one of the things that makes for a good life. All of us also need neighbourhoods that work well, open spaces and greenery, places where we can meet other people and opportunities for jobs and training if we need them.

This is what we mean by Social Value; the value to our customers and communities on top of what we do alongside a good quality, safe and secure home.

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