North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more
We have a proven track record in providing new homes in both our primary communities and wider growth areas in the Tees Valley, North Yorkshire and County Durham and we do this by developing properties ourselves, or by purchasing new homes from other house builders.
We have an intention to build up to 100 new homes per year, many supported by grant from Homes England which enables us to keep rents below market rent levels.
This will include a mixture of houses, bungalows and flats for Affordable Rent, Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership.
All our new homes benefit from the management and maintenance services of North Star and have good standards of energy efficiency. Where possible we will always include in-curtilage parking and private gardens aswell as design features which make future adaptations possible if household mobility deteriorates.
In addition we have long had a strong reputation for owning and managing good quality supported housing to meet some of the diverse specialist needs in our area.
We are keen to continue to work closely with Local Authorities and other agencies to deliver high quality new homes to meet all needs and aspirations.
If you require any additional information contact the Development Team via:
Telephone : 03000 11 00 11