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North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more

North Star are proud to support NHF ‘Homes at Heart’ campaign

North Star  is supporting Homes at the Heart, a campaign and coalition calling on the government to put social homes at the heart of its...

North Star delivers brand new, affordable homes in Middleton St George

North Star, in partnership with Heritage North, Clarion Homes and Darlington Council is delighted to announce the successful completion...

North Star working with Groundwork to link Covid-19 response in Stockton

For the past few months, North Star has been supporting Groundwork through Community Connection funding to provide a vital service to...

Customer Consultation on Group Structure

This week we have written to all our customers to share some changes we would like to make to the structure of North Star Housing Group...

Frequently Asked Questions

We have detailed some answers to our most frequently asked questions, which can be viewed by clicking here . (updated 20th May...

Bank Holiday Opening Hours

Our phone lines will be open for emergencies only on Friday 8th May due to this being the early May Bank Holiday. For all general or non...