North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more
Please get in touch with your Housing Officer or our Welfare Benefits Team if you are struggling with food costs so that we can offer guidance and support.
Below are some useful resources and initiatives to help you access food at a low cost or in emergency circumstances:
Emergency Access to Food: Trussell Trust
Help is available if you need access to emergency food.
You can find your nearest food bank on The Trussell Trust Website:
Low-Cost Food Shopping for All: Community Grocery
For just £5 a year, you can become a member of Community Grocery and have access to their stock of fresh fruit and veg, shelf items, fridge and freezer items, bakery and non-food items.
Small Shop: 12 items for £5
Medium Shop: 18 items for £7.50
Large Shop: 24 items for £10
All you need to do is visit your nearest store (see their ‘Locations’ page to find yours) and let one of the team know it’s your first time. They will then get you a form to fill in and explain all about how the groceries work.
Being a Community Grocery member means you can shop in-store multiple times each week, helping you save on your shopping budget. They have stores across the country and your membership can be used in them all.
Local support
Check with your local council to see if they offer support with food costs:
This help is known as “welfare assistance” or the “household support fund”. Each council runs its own scheme, and you don’t need to be on benefits to qualify.
North Star works in partnership with Little Sprouts to run community shops, lunch clubs, cooking workshops, community gardens and family pop-up events for the Stockton and Thornaby community. They also work to upskill communities through community cooking workshops and Level 2 Food Hygiene training. Visit their website to learn more: Little Sprouts Charity Health and Well-Being
Please see below for more information about local community pantries, eco-shops and initiatives: