Please click on the parts of the structure below for more information.
The Board comprise people who are committed to the communities we serve and members have a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience to draw on. They maintain their knowledge base and keep up to date by attending regular training and development events.
We have up to 12 Board members. and we have a Risk and Audit Committee (RAC) of five members.
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This is a dedicated group of involved tenants that identifies areas for scrutiny, carries out that scrutiny and reports their findings to the board. If a tenant would like to join this group they need to contact the Tenant Connector who will make the arrangements.
The group is looking at North Star Customer Commitments, and consulting with the wider tenant base, to ensure the subject they choose to scrutinise is relevant to as many tenants as possible and will help to ensure we are making improvements for all tenants.
The incentive of being entered into a draw for High Street Vouchers will be offered to all tenants who take part in any consultation that is carried out by the TVSP.
Each piece of work could take up to three months commitment.
Tenants can dip in and out of this group depending on their interests and time available to commit. They will look at company policies when they are due for review to ensure they are up to date and are clear for tenants to understand. We will review up to four policies each year.
Each policy review will take up to six weeks, will include two or three meetings and consultation with staff and the wider involved tenant base.
They will look at company policies when they are due for review, to ensure they are up to date and are clear for tenants to understand.
The incentive of being entered into a draw for High Street Vouchers will be offered to all tenants who take part in any consultation that is carried out during this piece of work.
Involved tenants who form the temporary group, and carry out the work needed review the policy, will be offered £30 each for participating.
Each policy review will take up to six weeks.
A link to the process can be found here – as above
Tenant Advisors carry out practical work such as mystery shopping, void inspections, estate walk abouts etc. to support the work of other groups.
The time taken for each activity will vary and an approximate time for each activity will be given when inviting tenants to take part.
The Senior Management Team is formed of the North Star Directors and its Chief Executive. You can see who’s on this team and their key responsibilities here:
Occasionally we may need tenants to review subjects at short notice and will invite tenants to take part in a Task and Finish group. Tenants can dip in and out of this group depending on their interests and time available to commit. Time commitment for each Task and Finish subject review will vary depending on the subject and the amount of time/number of meetings will be agreed at the beginning of each subject review.
Involved tenants who form the temporary group, and carry out the work needed review the subject, will be offered £30 each for participating.
The incentive of being entered into a draw for High Street Vouchers will be offered to all involved tenants taking part in any consultation carried out by this group.
The process for this will vary depending on the subject for review.
Tenants can dip in and out of this group depending on their interests and time available to commit. The group will look at services North Star provides to tenants to give assurance to the Board that we are compliant with the Consumer Standards. They will carry out checks such as mystery shopping, website checks, telephone calls etc and consult with the wider tenant base if/when necessary.
Involved tenants who form the temporary group, and carry out the work needed to provide assurance to the Board, will be offered £50 each for participating.
The incentive of being entered into a draw for High Street Vouchers will be offered to all tenants who take part in any consultation that is carried out during this piece of work.
The Tenant Connector will:
Each piece of work could take up to three months commitment.
A link to the process can be found here – we have this in document form
North Star staff responsible for the day to day running of our services.
Performance Group receives all North Star’s performance and monitoring information (e.g. repairs performance, complaints, and customer service statistics). The group work with the business improvement team and the communities team to challenge North Star when targets are not met and help us learn from successful performance.
Every tenant can ask to take part in consultation carried out during the involved tenant activities listed above as many of the activities will require the opinion of the wider tenant base to ensure they are representative of as many tenants as possible. Tenants on the consultation list will received surveys and questionnaires and they choose which ones to take part in depending on their interests and time available to commit.
All tenants taking part in consultation will be entered into a draw for the opportunity to win High Street Vouchers.
In this structure Scrutiny (TVSP) become the hub through which Board and SMT are able to have conversations with the tenant base as a whole (please refer to the Tenant Led Accountability Process Map for detail on how this works in practice). Scrutiny will also liaise with managers and staff where appropriate to obtain data and information.
TVSP will also be able to commission issue specific task and finish groups. These group will be dynamic and made up of tenants that are directly impacted or have direct experience of the service being consulted. For example, a complaints consultation carried out with tenants who have had a complaint resolved within the last twelve months. Managers will also be able to commission these groups based on policy consultations, procurement exercises etc. that they are carrying out.
The Consumer Standards Group will be a group of tenants specifically tasked with testing North Star’s compliance with the regulator’s consumer standards. This group will be refreshed each year and will look at a selection of standards chosen with input from TVSP and based on the interests of that group.
Tenant Advisors provide practical support to both TVSP and the Consumer Standards Group to test the implementation of past and present TVSP recommendations and to gather data on compliance with standards. This could be through mystery shopping, inspections, staff interviews etc.
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