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Universal Credit is a single monthly payment which is gradually replacing six income related benefits and tax credits for new claimants.
Universal credit will eventually replace the following benefits:
What’s different about Universal Credit?
If you want to talk to us about universal credit or have any concerns please contact our customer services team on 03000 11 00 11.
Click the video below for guidance on how to update your Universal Credit claim following a rent review.
Making a new claim for Universal Credit
Check you have everything you need to apply
Before you apply for Universal Credit, you’ll need to gather some information together. This will help make sure you only have to do the application once, and help you to get Universal Credit as quickly as possible if you’re eligible.
Don’t start your application until you have all of the following details for you and your partner with you:
You’ll need to provide evidence for all of the above when you go to your interview.